Saturday, April 30, 2022 - LYS DAY!!!

Saturday, April 30, 2022 - LYS DAY!!!

Good morning lovely knitters!!  Wahooooooo!  It is LYS Day!!  And I REALLY hope that means that I'm going to see loads of your smiling beautiful faces!  We've got loads of fun in store, so I had better not get caught up in rambling about the weather!

TODAY ONLY to celebrate LYS DAY - 

Since today is the LAST day for Watery Ripples to be the featured kit AND we released THREE more beautiful kits in April, we thought it would be fun to celebrate those.  Here they are - keep reading for the deal!

Watery Ripples - last day as our featured kit!

Dragon Scales Cowl - delicious dragon scales in beautiful Amitola!  This was our SOS box for April!

Fanfare - our Shawl Lover's Box for April - now available here!

And Stollen Clouds - which celebrated the arrival of amazing Cumulus Degrade!

So, the deal?  Buy 2 of these kits today, use code LYSDAY2 and get 10% off! Or Buy 3 of these kits today, use code LYSDAY3 and get 15% off!  Or be REALLY smart and buy all 4 of these kits today, use code LYSDAY4 and get 20% off!  These codes expire at midnight, EST, so don't delay!! 

If you are a sale bin stalker, you might've already noticed, but ALL sale bin yarns are just $5 a ball today!!  (If you can pop in, there are actually even more yarns because a few never made it online.)

If you have a finished blanket for our Charity Blanket K+CAL for Boston Medical Center, drop it off today!  And I'll be so happy to say thank you with a FREE Noro Knit Blanket Book!!

Double Points on all purchase made before midnight!  Rack up those points for great discounts or gifts!

And there is a BRAND new Hand-dye!!!  Solea Light is a gorgeous single ply, fingering weight that dyes like a DREAM!  It is the same fiber as Foot Foot and Singulush, so you know it is crazy soft!  For now, you'll have to come in to see this delicious yarn (which is way better anyway), but I'll get pictures and get it online later this week.  :)  You are going to die (DYE) for this one!

Every LYS Day is the perfect moment to say a HUGE thank you to all of you!  You are all so lovely, fun, crafty, and kind!  I couldn't imagine a better group of customers and you are all what makes this LYS!  So much love to all of you!! 

See you soon!!

Island Yarn 
189 Main Street
Maynard, MA  01754
Hours: Wednesday 12 - 5, Thursday 12 - 8, Friday and Saturday, 12-5


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