Saturday, March 15, 2025

Saturday, March 15, 2025

Good morning lovely knitters!  I just wanted to send a quick little email - mostly because I miss you all like crazy!!  I feel like things in this body are starting to get a bit better and I'm anxiously awaiting days where I can pop back into the store for a bit and interfere in all of your color choices!  Hahaha!

I also wanted to thank you for the lovely, kind, supportive emails that you all sent!   You guys are so amazing and wonderful!  And of course - continued HUGE thanks to Kim and Lisa for keeping everything pulled together and running so smoothly!

Since I haven't been able to do much, I have been oogling some patterns here and there, and I came across this new one from Juniper Moon Farm for the delightful new colors ( or the originals if you like) of Cotton Merino!

It seems like just the perfect knit for the transitional weather we're sure to be in for the next couple of months!  So, when you buy 4 or more balls of Cotton + Merino, this pattern will come to you for FREE (in a separate email labeled "your content from Island Yarn) until the end of this month!

I also can't wait to see all the color variations in Melange!  If you have finished one - send me a picture - pretty please!!  :)

Island Yarn 

189 Main Street
Maynard, MA  01754
Hours: Wednesday through Saturday, 12 - 5
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