Saturday, March 1, 2025

Good morning lovely knitters!  I know it has been a few weeks since you heard from me, so I thought that I had better check in with all of you lovely people.  Those of you who have been in the shop over the last few months know that I was struggling with a back problem that just wouldn't resolves itself.  Well, a couple of weeks ago, it finally hit a bad enough note that I got a ride to the emergency room, only to spend the next 10 days in the hospital and find out that it is not just a back problem, but an issue that is going to take quite a bit more treatment.  Everyone is very optimistic, but right this second, I'm pretty exhausted most days and don't have the umph to be in the shop.

Thankfully (seriously - SO MANY THANKFULS) Lisa and Kim are keeping things going at the shop so you don't have to miss out on your yarn fondles.  And I'm available when they need help with stuff - sadly as a small business owner, you accidentally keep way too much stuff in your head - so if we're not as smooth as normal, its just because they have to  go find what's hiding in my brain!  Unless we post otherwise, hours and classes are going along as normal.

I really appreciate all of your patience and kindness during this crappy time and can't wait to be up to seeing all of your lovely faces and projects again!  If I'm slow to get back to you over email, I promise I still appreciate your thoughts and will get there as soon as I can.

Island Yarn 

189 Main Street
Maynard, MA  01754
Hours: Wednesday through Saturday, 12 - 5
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