It will be so nice to see you again, but let's be careful my wonderful friends!

It will be so nice to see you again, but let's be careful my wonderful friends!

Here we are - almost 3 months later and I'm happy to tell you that we will be re-opening with limitations on Wednesday, June 10!  Though I will be thrilled to see any of you who come in, we are still doing FREE local delivery on orders over $30 and free curbside pick-up, so if you are at risk, please be safe and take advantage of one of those options.  I know gazing upon the walls of color is tempting, but YOU being healthy and safe is WAY more important!  The walls of color aren't going anywhere - just shifted now and then!

Here's the skinny for those of you who are planning to pop in:

Hours this week (everything changes all the time, so I'm just doing this week by week at this point) (June 10-13) Wednesday to Satuday, 12-4.  Help session by appointments only from 4 - 4:30 (please email if you want to make an appt - my phone doesn't always ring through - you can call, but if you don't get me, email please)!

You must wear a face mask in the shop.

You must use a squirt of hand-sanitizer (which we finally have!) when you come in (there's no way to alcohol yarn, so hands must be clean!)

Only 3 people may be in the shop at once and you need to limit your visits to 30 minutes.  I'm gonna be strict about the 3 people limit, but if no one else is there (it IS summer after all) I'll probably be pretty lax about the time limit.  You do NOT need to make an appointment to come in, just please make sure you limit your time and please understand if you come by and I can't let you in until someone leaves.

Of course, please maintain at least a 6 foot distance between you and any other customers.

I will have gloves on hand, but you are not required to use them.  

Also, please limit the yarn fondling.  You know, in the past, I've always told you to "feel up the yarn", but for the time being, please feel with your eyes!  When you've pinpointed a real possibility, then you can give it a touch.  I may be quarantining skeins that get touched, but not bought for a day or two before they return to the shelf, so I don't want a huge bag of yarn out of rotation.  

I'm happy to show you samples, but please don't touch or try on. 

Payment by credit card can be contactless and I'm trying to make the Apple Pay go today so that you will have another contactless option, but we will accept cash.

I've been cleaning like mad - and will continue everyday and during the day in between people as well.  Surfaces will be alcoholed to within an inch of their lives.  

For this week, there are no sit-and-knit times.  With only 3 people allowed in, it just doesn't work.

And for some slightly more fun stuff!  Today is the LAST day that your pattern purchase will enter you into a drawing to win a $100 giftcard!  What could be a more fun treat after these months!?  Each pattern purchased is an entry!!

And as many of you know, we introduced our Island Yarn Stash Cash program during this.  At least through June (depending on how things go) you may still bring in your punch cards to finish them off and I you should also get POINTS!  This will probably get extending through July, but at some point, we will no longer be using the punch cards at all.  Once it is filled and you get your $20 off, we will not be issuing a new one - it'll be ALL Stash Cash points then.

Geez - I don't know if you are still with me or not - so many words!  But, if you have any questions about anything, let me know - you can leave a comment or email me!  :)  

Love you guys and I'm looking forward to seeing a couple of your eyes soon!  ;)


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